I am getting really excited about Fall and inspiration has been popping up all over blogland. In getting in the spirit, I recently changed around the furniture placement in our living room and added some new pieces to better suit our family. Before the living room layout looked like this when you walked in the front door - mantle to the left of pic, kitchen to the right...

It's a great layout - couch facing the fireplace with tv mounted above, chairs flanking the couch to create a conversation area, etc. Problem was, the flow from the living area to the kitchen was cut off and we never sat in the chairs. When we had company no one would use the living area because the couch served as a barrier. Here is the old layout again looking from the living room into our kitchen...
So, while I didn't mind this layout, I thought we could better utilize the space with some rearranging, much to my husband's dismay. Here is the new layout when you walk into our foyer...
Here is a picture taken from the kitchen into the living area...
The flow between the kitchen and living room is so much better and our living room feels so much bigger! Moving the furniture also allowed me to bring in a $22 thrift store table that I painted white and paired with some extra chairs I had in the attic. We eat occasional meals here and my son eats his breakfast and lunch here everyday. It may be my new favorite spot in the house! *blurry pic - sorry*
I plan to cover the seats of these chairs with a shower curtain I found at TJ Maxx. It was $15 and the perfect blend of colors for Fall. I plan on making a couple of throw pillows for the couch and put away the graphic green pillows until next summer...
I can throw in some red, orange, green, or blue pillows. Love that this fabric had all of my colors! I have been looking high and low for months now! I get excited about the little things around here - let me tell you.
And last, but not least, I have a new obsession.
Pinterest. It has fueled my inspiration for Fall ideas, craft projects, fashion, new recipes, EVERYTHING! I find myself up late at night pinning away and wondering when I am going to find the time to do all these new projects. So, on that note, time to step away from the computer and start covering some chairs. I hope to get a post up once I have decorated for Fall. Next week I am on a mission to "desummerize" my house!